About my Phillippine trip,actually I didn't see a lot,cuz..........not enough money!I went to Cebu then take boat to boho stay in Panglao,spend 4 days there,in there most of place you have to pay cash ,I didn't know that,so ~we just spend almost 4 days at the beach,but anyway beach is great.
在你出發前一定會上網搜尋大家的旅程建議,當然我也不例外,但是到了現場之後才發現.....沒這麼簡單啊!!! 畢竟再宿霧不像其他國家這麼先進,所以 現在要來告訴打算去宿霧自助旅行的朋友們幾個注意事項:
Before your trip you will search some information on internet ,ofcourse me too,but actually not so easy like what they said,here I'll tell you something .
Before your trip you will search some information on internet ,ofcourse me too,but actually not so easy like what they said,here I'll tell you something .
1. 聽說進出菲律賓都要付機場稅,但我也不知道我進菲律賓的時候完全沒付錢~不知道是改了還是怎樣, 但離開就是一定要付啦~750菲幣,沒錯!聽說變550,詐騙啊!!!
They said you have to pay for airport tax,that is correct,but I just pay it when I leave,so I'm not sure is it for both or just for leave,its about 750PHP.
They said you have to pay for airport tax,that is correct,but I just pay it when I leave,so I'm not sure is it for both or just for leave,its about 750PHP.
2. 因為到達時間是清晨4點,本來打算在機場休息一下再前往市區,殊不知跟著人群出來之後啥屁都沒有~連個坐著睡一下的地方都沒~傻眼!
I got red-eye flight so when I arrived was just 4am,we was plan stay in airport for rest then leave later,but aftre come out it's nothing there,even a chair! so never plan this in Cebu.
I got red-eye flight so when I arrived was just 4am,we was plan stay in airport for rest then leave later,but aftre come out it's nothing there,even a chair! so never plan this in Cebu.
3. 出了機場後,聽說黃色計程車很貴,沒錯!真的很貴!機場到sm mall 400菲幣,貴炸!到了之後司機還對著你“傻笑挑眉,一整個就不正經,小心這類的菲律賓人,感覺就是會詐騙!”(存粹個人觀感)
After you got out to air port,at that time I just can take taxi,they have yellow one and white one ,yellow one was so expensive.
After you got out to air port,at that time I just can take taxi,they have yellow one and white one ,yellow one was so expensive.
4. 聽說網路上可以買宿霧前往薄荷島的傳票,上網訂了3次的ocean jet,什麼屁都沒有,又聽說sm mall裡面可以買,所以決定前往那兒買,但是在sm mall的哪裡呢?哈哈!問了3個當地的菲律賓保全, 3個都說不一樣的地方,花了一小時被當地人詐騙來回走來走去~終於問到一個可靠的,各位 ”地下一樓mail and more” 可以買啊!!!
They said we can book ticket online for boat, but I tried 3 times it's not working,also they said you can buy ticket at SM mall,so we went there try to found where we can get ,I had ask 3 local security no body know,my God! finally,B1 level "mail and more".
They said we can book ticket online for boat, but I tried 3 times it's not working,also they said you can buy ticket at SM mall,so we went there try to found where we can get ,I had ask 3 local security no body know,my God! finally,B1 level "mail and more".
5.又聽說sm mall 離搭船的地方很近,搭jeepny便宜又方便,旁邊就有個搭車站,聽說上車後敲敲車頂就可以下車,好啦!請問我哪知道哪裡下車?他就像改造的小貨卡,路也不知道在哪,只好問車上的當地人,還好大家超好心,七嘴八舌討論後緊急叫司機停車並告訴我們如何走過去,感動啊~
They said we can take jeepny from SM mall to port its cheep and convenient,yes it is,but the problem is we don't know where to stop,so we ask ppl next to us they start to ask another one and another one ,eventually we are arrive thanks friendly Filipino.
They said we can take jeepny from SM mall to port its cheep and convenient,yes it is,but the problem is we don't know where to stop,so we ask ppl next to us they start to ask another one and another one ,eventually we are arrive thanks friendly Filipino.
7. 到了超級便宜hostel,抱歉,不能刷卡喔~~~很多餐廳也都不能刷卡喔~~~
Most of hostel&resturant pay cash.
Most of hostel&resturant pay cash.
8. 聽說是雨季,所以這幾天去下午都會下陣雨,但不會下太久,最好是早上就去沙灘曬太陽~還遇到風暴,晚上停電了一下!
I go on June is raining season, rain in afternoon,but not too long,better go to beach at the morning,one night we had storm and power failuer.
I go on June is raining season, rain in afternoon,but not too long,better go to beach at the morning,one night we had storm and power failuer.
9. Panglao唯一的club, Pinarella bay 小小一間,好不好玩在個人啦~開心的時候哪裡都好玩不是嗎~~~酒多喝點你就開心了!商店裡賣的酒並沒有便宜,但酒吧裡就不一樣啦~調酒超級便宜,啤酒當然也是比台灣酒吧便宜多啦~所以建議去吧喝囉!
Only one club in Panglao,"Pinarella bay" small club,we meet some people at the bar then go club together,not a exciting club important thing is who you go with,alcohol are cheaper at the bar then store.
Only one club in Panglao,"Pinarella bay" small club,we meet some people at the bar then go club together,not a exciting club important thing is who you go with,alcohol are cheaper at the bar then store.
10. 如果怕搭jeepny的朋友可以搭白色計程車或是tricycle,但在cebu是沒有tricycle的喔
If you are afraid to take jeepny you can try tricycle,but only in Bohol.
If you are afraid to take jeepny you can try tricycle,but only in Bohol.
一切的聽說都是出發前在網路上查到的相關資訊, 到那之後發現跟原本不一樣的驚喜啊!但還是玩得很開心~也真的很漂亮,交了一些朋友,人生就是要到處玩到處交朋友!!!
一切的聽說都是出發前在網路上查到的相關資訊, 到那之後發現跟原本不一樣的驚喜啊!但還是玩得很開心~也真的很漂亮,交了一些朋友,人生就是要到處玩到處交朋友!!!