
床蟲來襲 Bed bug




If you been to Australia you should heard about bedbug,if you don't know let me tell you how terrible it is.

Bedbug wiki link

Actually they are everywhere inside your bed (if your hostel have bedbug),before they bite you there are no color like transparent,after they got your blood it be come red then be brown,first time I got bite it had about one week latency,after that it comes out many red spots and super itchy ,specialy after you take hot shower,I got bite every where even my finger my toes my neck......I couldn't sleep about one months,also before go to bed I will check my quilt、bedpackage、bedstaed everything but still,and it will get scar unless 6 months.
But there are some people won't get bite also there are some people get worse,they get allergy even get fever,the way to kill them you can burn them or crumb them,but not the way to kill them all,even spray the room still no working,just make them all come out (my god!!!) I think the only way is burn the house,lol,so we need to find a way to keep them away,I'm going to become master kill bedbug!

( This is just begging )

There is the best way I got:

消滅 - 基本上燒死他有點難,因為當你用打火機要燒它的時候常常它還沒死就跑掉了有時候還會燒到自己,捏爆它感覺噁心還臭臭的,有天我突然靈光一閃,把寬膠帶剪成一段一段的貼在床邊,看到時立馬用膠帶黏住它!完美!!!不會噁心方便又快速~~~

Kill - Basically it's a bit difficult to burn them,sometimes you even burn yourself,and crumb too disgusting,one day I found out an perfect way,cut tape to a small piece and put next to my bed,then I can use that to stick them,fast and quick!!!

預防 - 有了殺死它的好方法還是必須知道預防的方法不然還是會被咬,聽了其他台灣女孩的建議,我們去買了防水塑膠帆布把床墊整個包起來,直接躺上去睡,為了避免床蟲爬上來連床包、被子都不用了~只是睡覺翻身時就會一直有刷刷刷的聲音,但我後來發現,其實黑色垃圾袋就可以也比較便宜,然後先檢查床墊是否有蟲,如果沒有的話床墊就可以不用包,包底部的床架就好,還可以包床包呢! 主要原因就是塑膠滑滑的可以防止床蟲爬上來,注意! 如果是使用旅社提供的床包,即使是拿新的剛洗好的,最好還試確認檢查一下,蛋蛋有時候是會沒洗掉的,所以如果怕有蟲蟲沒發現,建議可以用熱水洗,燙死它們!!!但也要小心不要洗壞自己的衣物囉~~~

Precaution - Now we got best way to kill but still need a way to keep them away,I heard from other Taiwanese girl's suggestion,we go bought waterproof plastic canvas package our mattress,we even didn't use bed package or quilt just want to totally for keep bedbug away,just when you sleep will make annoying sounds,but better then get bite right? actually I found out you can just use black garbage bag more cheaper ,and you can check your mettress first if there are no any bedbug and eggs you don't need package,just cover your bedstead but remember you need to cover good,barrier your bedstead touch mettress,plastic more slip can keep bedbug away can't come up to your bed.
Tips!!! If you use bed package from your hostel (if your hostel have bedbug),even they just washed but you still need to check again,cuz sometimes the eggs is hard to wash,better way you can wash with hot water but be careful don't damage your clothes~
Some hostel boss they don't like we do cover,cuz that is really obviously tell people they have bedbug ,so be careful of that too.

( waterproof plastic canvas package our mattress )



●●● TRAVEL ●●● New Zealand-Queenstown

(This is the view from my hostel  客棧看出去的風景) First country I travel by myself was in  New Zealand ,really glad I chose here for the beginning,very clean and beautiful place also kindness and lovely people, of course there are some drama happend but all this are very good experience for me,I love this country,similar like Australia but more relax,I definitely will visit again,everyone should be visit at least once in your life! First I landing in Queenstown,it's a small town soooo beautiful you can just see the mountain with snow white on the top on the street,but too bad the weather was not really good,too cloudy and rain some times but I'm still excited to see this place. 紐西蘭是我第一個自己旅行的國家,真的覺得我選對了,超美的國家很漂亮很乾淨跟超級好的人,當然第一次旅行一定有些戲劇性的發展,不過都是很值得回味的有趣經驗,超喜歡這個國家~評價100分,跟澳洲其實有點類似但感覺更放鬆更優閒,絕對會想要再來!!!首先飛向南島的皇后鎮,非常漂亮的一個小鎮,天氣較冷的時候光是走在街上就可以看見雪白的山在你眼前,可惜的是那幾天天氣都不太好,天氣陰陰的而且偶爾還會下雨不過並沒有澆熄我的熱情啊~~~(握拳)!!! From my hostel we have very nice view,just next to the lake and the...


對於念念不忘的澳洲打工度假經驗,決定再衝一場!雖然匈牙利的薪水不多,但我想要得到的是人生體驗(這就是去了澳洲也沒存到錢的我😅),不同的環境、不同的生活,錢再賺就有,但是人生經驗過了就回不去啦~ 畢竟選擇匈牙利打工度假的人不多,100個名額一年都不會滿,哭哭,相對的網路上的資訊就比較少,這裡將陸續提供大家,我自認為還蠻詳細的訊息,以及我們在這段時間裡遇到(或是將來遇到)的故事與大家分享啦~希望可以幫助到想要前往的朋友們,互相幫忙、討論,提供資訊喔! ***2019/07/30 更新資訊:聽說後來有些要申請簽證的人被要求入境匈牙利後再申請,相關資訊我並不是很清楚,匈牙利這邊流程一直改來改去的😭大家加油啊! 首先, 申請簽證 : 1.簽證申請表 很怕寫錯幸好有在匈牙利的朋友先幫我檢查~ 2.護照〈有效期1年以上〉 面試完後面試官會詢問你有沒有需要使用到護照,如果這段時間不會使用到就交給他吧。 3.六個月內證件照2吋*1張 我是有多備1張,都先不黏貼 4.機票 因為我很愛閒閒沒事看機票,所以在申請前4個月就不小心看到了飛柏林的便宜機票,立馬就買下來,台灣飛匈的機票都hen貴呀~還訂了一周的柏林住宿,但後來爬文聽說不可以從其他國加入境,心臟差點沒力,打去辦事處詢問後,對方建議不待超過一周,並要提供完整的機票證明,台灣→柏林→布達佩斯,以及柏林+布達佩斯的住宿證明,基本上就不會有問題,但只要簽證還沒下來還是有點兒緊張啊! 5.英文版 財力證明 基本是3000美金,但因為我們只買了單程機票所以準備了4000美金。(手續費基本上應該都是50) 提醒!我是在台銀辦的,證明出來的是前一天的餘額喔,所以如果是跟我一樣湊錢來的要提前一天先存錢進去喔~ 6.一年的申根保險英文版,正本+副本各*1 現在打工度假的人越來越多,保險公司也開始推出打工度假專用的保險,以匈牙利來說必須要保『一年』,並且在上面要有申根『Schengen』字眼,詢問了幾家保險公司,一般的旅平險是不能工作的喔~而且也不是每一家保險公司都有出打工度假專用的一年保單,以我當初詢問的三家保險公司為例: 南山-無此專案 富邦-基本保險內容包含旅行不便險 國泰(產險)-基本保險內容包含第三責任險 最後我選擇了國泰,因為第三責任險如果要自駕旅遊會...