(This is the view from my hostel 客棧看出去的風景)
First country I travel by myself was in New Zealand,really glad I chose here for the beginning,very clean and beautiful place also kindness and lovely people,of course there are some drama happend but all this are very good experience for me,I love this country,similar like Australia but more relax,I definitely will visit again,everyone should be visit at least once in your life! First I landing in Queenstown,it's a small town soooo beautiful you can just see the mountain with snow white on the top on the street,but too bad the weather was not really good,too cloudy and rain some times but I'm still excited to see this place.
From my hostel we have very nice view,just next to the lake and the beach,hostel very clean and new.
If you visit Queenstown,Fergburger you must eat!!! Big and juicy burger,also many different flavor,most delicious burger I had until now! I ate for three times,and basically there are always waiting line!
Next door Bakery is same owner,also very nice,pie is super good I had breakfast and after dinner thoese days (piggggy) even the waitress know me,lol!
隔壁的Bakery也是屬於同一家,比較輕食類的食物,有咖啡、派、麵包跟三明治,派也是超級無敵好吃,早餐去那吃~中午吃漢堡~晚上再買個派回hostel當消夜吃,吃到店員都認識我了,每次看到我都要大叫"amazing jacket"(那個店員女孩超愛我的外套),超級豬但是超級好吃的行程。
(Always waiting line)
(No.100 looooong time to wait)
( Burger with beer,perfect!!! )
The best thing stay in hostel is you can meet many friends,of course first night we hang out for drinks :)
Next, let's go Skydive!!!I chose from 12000 ft,of course I pay for video and pictures,first we need to go to store write some paper and watch video do know how to works,after we took bus to go up to mountain for equipment and ready for boarding,I looked around just only me by my self!!! I was so excited at the first,when it getting higher start feel nervous~at the first jump out you just feel keep turning for few second,after all set its like fly down so cool!after 45 sec coach will open parachute slow going done,now you can see all amazing landscape,some times coach will flip parachute,was so fun~~~but I think he flip too much after I feel wanna vomit,lol.
If you are not scare of high,you must try this! Soooooo amazing!!!
Skydive Video Link 跳傘影片
接下來就要去玩刺激的極限運動"高空跳傘",我選擇的是N-ZONE並且加碼至12000英呎,這麼難得的機會當然要買Video跟照片囉~總計下來約1萬台幣左右,先是到N-ZONE的店面集合填寫資料,店家會先撥放教學影片然後就會開巴士載我們前往山上的跳傘登機區,到達地點後會有專業人員幫忙穿上裝備然後教練會在過來跟你講解一次注意事項,現場也都會有附上中文的解說海報,我環顧四週才發現大家都是2人以上一起來的只有我是一個人!!!終於輪到我準備上直昇機了,會有另一個人員帶著go pro跟隨,上機前還會先幫你錄一段話,機上大家都是直接坐在地上的,教練會坐在你的後面幫你扣上背帶做事前準備,一開始我整個就是很興奮越來越高的時後才決得~哇!開始緊張了啦~~~~跳下前頭要貼著教練的胸口(幸好教練夠大隻),其實跳下的瞬間會東倒西歪的翻轉好嗨~等待教練調整好位置後就沒事了,高速下降的情況下吃了一堆空氣啊!!!不過真的很爽~約45秒的時間吧開傘後就不能再錄影了等著緩緩降落,這時就是好好欣賞美景的時候了!只能說紐西蘭真的很美啊!!!好像假的~教練還會大轉傘超好玩~可能看我很嗨教練轉一個太久害我後面有點想吐,哈哈哈!沒有懼高的人一定要試試,非常值得!!!光是回想我又覺得好嗨了啊~~~
Was plan take bus to Christchurch stay one night then flight to Wellington then bus to Auckland,but plans can never keep up changes,I bought some motion sickness pills,they told me have to eat tonight,but its cause me didn't hear alarm so I late for bus,ask for travel agency,no more bus!I can't leave town today!!!oh my gosh!!!I need to spend more money for change flight,and it was Chinese new year so there are many Chinese in the town that day,no more room for stay~~~only plan I can get,stay at bar late then stay outside hostel bench until morning,some times drunk ppl walk by and screaming,kinda scared.
next afternoon I finally got on bus,but after 5 minutes,bus broken................WTF?!we wait more then one hr another bus come to take us,everything was so drama!!! finally I got airport,stay for tonight then go direct to Auckland.
後續的原訂計畫是搭巴士前往基督城待一個晚上,再搭飛機前往北島的威靈頓,再搭巴士抵達奧克蘭,殊不知~旅途中總是計畫趕不上變化,為了隔天必須搭很久的巴士怕暈車先到藥局去買了暈車藥,店員告訴我睡前先吃,沒想到這一吃我睡死了~連早上的鬧鐘都沒聽見就一整個睡過頭了!!!沒搭到巴士.............前往旅行社詢問,結果~沒車了!今天一天都無法離開小鎮了!!!更改機票還花了一筆錢,加上是過年期間~這天又湧入了好多陸客,也訂不到房間了...........悲‧劇.........,最後只好在外面閒晃到晚上,酒吧喝酒喝到晚,再回原本住的hostel外的長板凳待到早上了~~~ (半夜有酒醉的人經過鬼吼鬼叫的其實蠻恐怖的)
一早去麥當勞吃個豐盛的早餐再瞇了一下,閒晃到下午就前往巴士站準備離開去機場囉 (這次可不敢再遲到啦),殊不知這一切戲劇性發展還沒結束!巴士開個5分鐘後.........竟~然~壞‧了‧ 等了1個多小時才換了一台車來接我們一夥人,因為基督城機場是小機場,時間到是會關門無法進入的~我超怕遲到又要睡路邊了~幸好沒再給我出狀況了,安心抵達~今晚的床:機場裡的椅子,明天一早就要直飛澳克蘭!