

目前顯示的是 3月, 2017的文章

公園烤肉 BBQ at park

國外生活跟在台灣畢竟不同,能有在公園烤肉的機會不多,我就是那個沒在公園烤過肉的人,阿豆仔們聽到有多吃驚你知道嗎?所以我的法國朋友就決定來場公園烤肉活動了(其實根本他自己想烤,哈) 澳洲公園裡你隨處可以看到烤肉台(有時候還要用搶的勒),一群人先前往超市買食材跟啤酒(其實澳洲是不能隨處飲酒的,公園、路邊都不行),一種郊遊的感覺好開心~有的躺在草皮上曬太陽、有的喝酒聊天、有的踢球玩遊戲,非常悠閒自在啊~~~可想而知之後的日子也是常常有這樣的活動,慶生啦、有人即將離開的歡送會啦、周末閒閒沒事幹啦~~~等等的,這才是人森啊!!! My old life in Taiwan I don't have much outdoor activities,so I never been to BBQ at the park,but also in Taiwan we don't have much this kind of place to go,that is shocked for the European,so my French friend told me we should do this!!! You can see BBQ table in every park,first we go market to bought food and drinks (actually you can't drink alcohol at park),I feel so excited,like when you at school go out with friends! Some people lay down on the grass、drink and talk、play ball........really fun and relax,I like it! Sometimes birthday party、farewell party、nothing to do we will go BBQ. ( Our handsome French BBQ chef ) ( My personal favorite chef,but cook with cigarette.....? ) ( 阿豆仔好像

小廚娘 I'm chef

( Cook for my kids ) 大家都知道澳洲生活消費一定是比台灣高很多,所以在食物方面當然是自己料理比較划算,超市超級好逛~很多的食材跟廚房用具真的是想全部買回家!!! 想必大家去了一趟澳洲應該都變成小當家了吧~在台灣基本上沒再煮飯的我,也終於知道"原來我也蠻會煮的嘛~" 竟然還會煮一桌跟阿豆仔一起晚餐,每天還做不同的料理準備愛心便當,賢慧阿~其實也不過就是上網找食譜跟著料理而已,相信大家都可以的!!! When you living in Australia cook by your self is most cheaper way, I usually don't cook in Taiwan but after that I feel Im good to cook,even can cook for other people!!! Call me chef,lol~  ( cute kitchen tool) ( Hand made dumplings ) ( Japenese Okonomiyaki ) ( 第一次做牛排就用來當別人的生日大餐 ) (名符其實的愛心便當) ( 變成賣便當的阿姨 )

關於仲介說的那份工作 Job from intermediary

好了!不要說我們都在玩沒再工作,已經過了一個月關於仲介說的那份工作卻一直遲遲未開始,我們也會緊張怕被詐騙了,詢問櫃檯的艾瑪小姐告訴我們因為產季關係所以還需再等等,現在答案揭曉~我們即將去工作的是一間夏威夷豆工廠!!!時薪20澳幣(白工需扣稅,稅後約16多澳幣) 產季大約是3月至10月會因為當年的天氣狀況而有所不同,因為食品衛生的關係工廠內部需保持乾淨,所以我們必須先做兩份測驗,第一份測驗是很簡單的選擇題~例如應該怎樣保持乾淨或是發生事情應該怎樣之類的,很簡單的英文,但第二份就可怕啦!是問答題,還好幾張,會提供你一本厚厚的書給你查答案,滿滿的英文...........根本極度困難~跟幾個台灣女孩大家分工合作一人找幾題花了一下午才寫完,累阿!在工廠開始上班前,我們還必須先前往工廠實習一天,要先準備好白色POLO衫+白色褲子+白色鞋子(因為夏威夷豆好~油~啊~~~所以會造成工廠裡地板較油,專用鞋子一雙要50澳幣!!!但如果買一般的鞋子,就會常常看到有人在裡面差點滑倒跟劈腿動作) Ok!don't say we just playing not working, it's already been a month Job still not start yet,we start worry,Emma from the counter she tell us because the weather so the factory still not open yet,so we still need to wait,the answer is we are going to a macadamia factory! AUD 20 per hour (after tex around 16),seasons about March to October but it depends on the weather,before that we have to do some paper work,first one was really easy moltiple choice questions you can finish before 10minute,but the other was questions and answers,Emma gi