( Our room keys,best friend and best memories )
一開始的室友裡有可愛但脾氣暴躁的義大利人、互相幫助的台灣人跟又愛又恨的德國人,這三個德國男孩是我在1號房第一批離開的男孩(但他們也是造成房間髒亂的元凶,這就是又愛又恨的原因),其實才相遇一個多禮拜他們就離開了~但男孩們相當的可愛有趣,以為他們離開後再也不會見面了~但沒想到他們離開兩個禮拜後又經過這裡,竟然與我們相約在旅社對面的停車場邊,彈吉他 喝酒 聊天 非常的開心~雖然之後去到德國也沒有時間見面,再也沒見過他們,但真是第一個回憶呀~~~之後的室友也有一高一矮一黑一白的可愛哥倆好的法國人、口音超好聽但窮到爆炸卻酒喝不停的英國人、貼心可愛的歐洲混血西班牙人.....可以認識來自各個不同國家的朋友,每天都有新鮮事,超級開心!
My room was in NO.1 its upstair,only one without barcony and only one have 9 people in there (also have most bedbug,lol) ,after one week we start to love this place,even there are so mamny people in this room but so happy and liven up,when everybody back from work we will talk about what happend today,and bring back some fruit from farm to share,there are many friends came and left most of them are so nice,like a big family!
Frist roommate I got was a cute Italian boy like my son (even sometimes he got bad temper) 、Taiwanese (they always know everything) and German boys,this three boys left after 10 days when I arrive,was my first friends left,they are nice and funny, but I'm very suprise after 2 weeks they pass by stop car stay one night out of our hostel,invite us join them drink and chat and play guitar together, it's not somthing really special but it is a good memories for me when I just arrive,people are friendly and warm.
Also I got many good roommies after that,two French bro so cute and so so funny 、English guys always drinking (lol)、lovely Spanish boys so sweet.....really enjoy met new friends from different country,everyday had new funny things happend!
( First roommate I got and first friends left )
( 爆炸的櫃子區 )
( 沒錢卻還是要喝酒的英國男孩 )
( Favorite funny French bro )