第一次的洗衣經驗就非常的刺激,雖然旅社裡有提供投幣洗衣機,只有一台而且感覺還不太乾淨,所以我們帶著大包小包的衣服前往旁邊走路不到一分鍾的自助洗衣店,沒想到竟然都滿了~所以我們就很大方的把待洗的衣服放在工作檯上,去附近吃東西,飽餐一頓回來後發現......衣服 不·見·了~~~天啊!竟然有人要偷髒衣服!趕快打通電話給店家老闆,老闆建議我們先去報警,他可以幫我們提供監視器,其實早有耳聞在國外的公家機關做事緩慢,加上我們又是外國人,根本不抱希望的前往報案,要進去警局前還要先按鈴告知我們要做什麼才會開門讓我們進去,裡面已經有2、3隻貓在等待,大約40分鍾終於輪到我們,說了一下前因後果,檢查護照,填了一些資料後就說會再通知,也只好回旅社等待消息,沒想到竟然隔天警察就來電通知找到衣服了!真的是太~驚~喜~了~~~原來報案後的隔天一早警察前往洗衣店看了監視器,是一名婦人拿走的(可能要拿回去給小孩吧,畢竟衣服明顯對她來說太小,哈哈)當警察正離開洗衣店時,看見婦人穿著跟監視器裡一樣的衣服從旁邊過著馬路,太幸運了!立馬抓到人!警察跟洗衣店老闆一直說我們好lucky!!!第一次的警局經驗如此好效率,+分!年輕警察蠻帥的,再+分!
There is a laundry store close our hostel,less then one minute walk,first time we went there already full,so we left our clothes on the table then go to eat. WTF! After we back it's gone! Who wanna steal dirty clothes? So we call store boss,he suggest us call police first ,he can provide camera,on the way to police station we don't think there are any hope,just try to do something,before go in you have to ring the bell tell them what you gonna to do,befor us already 2 people are waiting,after 40 minutes,we go fill some papers they check our passport,and ask what happened again,all the program,they said if they got news will let us know, surprise is next day they called,found our clothes!!!
Next day morning police went to laundry store to check camera,it's a women took that (we guess is for her children,it's obviously too small for her) after out of laundry store,poloce saw that woman wear the same clothes on camera just cross the street! They kept saying we are so luck!
First time police experience was good,and also one of police look handsome,lol.
There is a laundry store close our hostel,less then one minute walk,first time we went there already full,so we left our clothes on the table then go to eat. WTF! After we back it's gone! Who wanna steal dirty clothes? So we call store boss,he suggest us call police first ,he can provide camera,on the way to police station we don't think there are any hope,just try to do something,before go in you have to ring the bell tell them what you gonna to do,befor us already 2 people are waiting,after 40 minutes,we go fill some papers they check our passport,and ask what happened again,all the program,they said if they got news will let us know, surprise is next day they called,found our clothes!!!
Next day morning police went to laundry store to check camera,it's a women took that (we guess is for her children,it's obviously too small for her) after out of laundry store,poloce saw that woman wear the same clothes on camera just cross the street! They kept saying we are so luck!
First time police experience was good,and also one of police look handsome,lol.