在Bundaberg的兩個購物區其一是在Hinkler Central一個購物商場,裡面有兩間食物超市也是澳洲很常看到的Coles跟woolworths,生活用品超市Kmart跟一些品牌店家Cotton On.....之類的跟美食街,商場周邊還有很多的水果超市跟肉店及亞洲超市,主要就是一個食物購物區。 不管是食物超市還是生活超市都超級好逛!每次都想試試看不同的食物,袋鼠肉駱駝肉~好好吃又方便煮的漢堡肉跟肉丸子,可以秤重少量購買的新鮮海鮮~台灣買不到的義大利火腿,非常適合早餐夾土司吃,這麼多食材誰不想立馬來煮一下?還有很多的廚房用具,好可愛而且又便宜選擇又很多,不像在台灣想買個好看的廚房用具都是貴翻天~還有很多的英雄系列商品我的最愛!玩具是跟那些孩子們出去閒逛時最愛拿來嘻鬧的東西~ Two of shopping central in Bundaberg one of them is Hinkler Central,mostly for food shopping,like Coles.Woolworths outside around there have many fruit and meat shop also Asian market. It's really good for shopping in Australia maket for me,many food we can't found in Taiwan like Kangaroo and Camel (lol),nice burger meat and meat ball,seafood,Italian ham really mach for brackfast with tost,so many food of course I wanna cook!there are also many kitchenware,look cute and cheap,not like in Taiwan so expensive if you want to buy a cute one:( many Batman and Superman stuff my favorit!!!every time we play with toys when we at marke...
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